Recipe Of The Week

Pastry Samosas 

2 tablespoon vegetable oil , and extra for deep fry 
1 brown onion, chopped 
1 tablespoon mild curry powder 
1 cup red beans, cooked 
3 sheets frozen butter puff pastry 
sauce for serve 

How to make 
1. Heat the frying pan until over moderate heat, add onion and stir until soft. and add curry powder until fragrant. Stir in Potatoes and 3/4 cup water. cover it and simmer around 20 minutes until potatoes tender. 
2. add red beans to potato mixture cook and stir until heated, transfer to bowl and mash until almost smooth. add the fresh coriander at the mixture. 
3. place the mixture in the center of the pastry and fold, turn and pinch the edge to seal. 
4. deep fry the samosas until golden .
5. serve the samosas with sauce 

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