Breast Cancer Prevention

Love Boobies

Love Boobies by therrence on Polyvore
In Europe and America the statistic for women which could be get Breast cancer is 1/ 229 for 30 years old, 1/48 for 40 years old, and 1/37 for 50 years old.
if u have the gen which get the breast cancer ( your sister, mom, or grand mother). its better u often doing check regularly about your breast and also start healthy life. but the breast cancer can fall to every woman, which not treat her live good.
here is I share Breast Cancer prevarication with all of the woman :

1. Do the exercise regularly, minimum 150 minutes in every week. it may decrease hormone estrogen which is closely with Breast cancer growth.
walk 30 minutes five times a week can be decrease 18% from risk of Breast cancer. the survey done to 74.000 woman in 50 years old till 79 years old.

2. Avoid from alcohol, cigarette, junk food

3. keep your weight, choose the healthy diet for get the ideal weight. the growth of the weight till 30 kg, may make hormone estrogen grow faster and trigger the Breast cancer growth.

4. minimize consume grilled meat or any meat which have been cook longer, because the carcinogen inside them can trigger the growth of Breast cancer.

5. Avoid saturated fat such as margarine, butter, Fatty meat and the similar kind of.  choose the health fat, likefrom olive oil, beans, soy, and fish oil.

6. breastfeeding, the survey told that the mother which doing breastfeeding have decrease from risk getting breast cancer.

7. avoid the radiation around your breast, the radiation can come from the cellular phone.

I wish all of that i share above, become usefully for our live

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