Recipe Of The Week


1. 250gr Chinese cabbage, sprinkle with salt until withered. not in squeeze for keep it crunchy
2. 2 carrots cut in Blanch match3.  5 spring onions in slices.Sauce pasta1. 10 tablespoon of fish sauce2. 10 tablespoon of red pepper powder 
3. 4-5 cloves of garlic4. 1 oriental pear ( that brown skin )5. 1 tablespoon of salt
6. 1 tablespoon of sugar

How to make
- Blend ingredients pasta so smooth paste.- In a large bowl mix paste with radishes and spring onions , stir ,- Then smeared into each layer of  Chinese cabbage.  you can cut it for make it easy for put it in jar
- Put it in a tightly closed jar , let it ferment for 4 days (do not hit incoming sunlight don't put in the fridge )- After the acidity level in keeping with our tongue tastes 

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