Islamic Law For Rennet and Emulsifier

To day early morning i goes to Super market wit my mosleem friend, we are prepare to make cake to day for. when we walking thought shelf in Super Market, i interest with
cheese, i think that is could make our cake more delicious. without care about the brand of them i put them to my cart.
" wait..." my moslem friend warning " you must check first"
and then my fiend take cheese in my cart "as moslem i must be sure that everything is kosher"
" I think all cheese produced by milk from cow... that is kosher"
" yes.. for that, but the ingredients for cheese not just milk rennet and emulsifier include there"
" so.."
" the best rennet made by side of baby cow, so the way to make rennet they must be killed the baby cow first. and the point is how the way they killed the baby cow?. if they was killed by the name of ALLOh, the rennet be kosher but if not they are forbidden"
" ow great!!, so how about emulsifier, how can them can be forbidden?"
" The function of emulsifier for cake is make cake smooth, and emulsifier made from animal and plant. it is not problem if made from plant, but the trouble is if they made from animal. it could be made from pork or cow. if they made from pork sure they are forbidden to eat (in Islamic law)and if they are produced by cow we must be know how the way they killed cow"
"wow... but how you know about they are kosher or not?"
" in Indonesia we had MUI they are the Islam foundation they are do that for us and they will give the label " halal (kosher)" like this" my moslem friend show another brand of cheese which had "halal(kosher)" label.

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