Earthquake 13 October In Bali

Earthquake again in Bali, It happen in 13 October 2011... maybe every body which read this article already know.Earthquake which have 6,8 SR make Bali a loss i 2,9 Billion rupiahs. No body die just 90 people injured, 51 unit of building ( Denpasar 18 unit, Gianyar 6 unit, Bangli 3 unit, Badung 5 unit, Tabanan 11 unit, dan Jembrana 8 unit).
Now the condition became normal again, but some people said that earthquake had oddity because it happen in full moon.
in theory, The gravitation of moon possible give effect for earthquake in in every place in the world, its looks like ebb and flow in the sea. Perhaps is not relevant Theory because the earthquake happen in the afternoon, but if we saw Indonesian earthquake history mostly happen when the moon age around 15 days (full moon ):
1.Earthquake in Tasikmalaya, 2-9-2009 happen when moon in 11 days/ near with full moon.
2.Earthquake in Padang, 30-9-2009,happen when moon in 11 days too.
3.Earthquake west Sumatra 6-maret-2007 happen when moon in 16 days
4.Earthquake Mentawai, 25-oktober-2010,happen when moon in 17 days

if we saw that possible gravitation of moon be another factor for earthquake. but I am not geologic that just my guess.... I just want to find the logical theory for earthquake in Bali around much mystical theory there... ^o^
and Hope the earthquake in Bali didn't bring Bali in Tsunami.... ( Amieen )

in the History of the world some earthquake happen in the same date
1. at 13 October 1926, earthquake with 7 SR power ever destroy Alaska, and that is one of biggest earthquake in south America.
2. at 13 October 1963, earthquake 8,5 SR shake Kuril's archipelago, and is one of biggest earthquake in the world.
3. at 13 Oktober 1985, earthquake 5,9 SR Tajikistan, killed 29 person, 80 injured and make 8.000 people loss their house in Kayrakkum-Gafurov area. 90% buildig destroy.
4. at 13 October 1993, Earthquake shake Papua Nugini, killed 60 people and some people in Markham area injured, and erosion in Ume river.
5. at 13 October 2011, earthquake shake Bali,
So where the next ????

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