How the taste Grasshopper in my Tongue ?

Long time ago, my grandma ever told me that the taste of grasshopper is very delicious little bit seem like shrimp but more better. But that just be fairy tile in my memory.

I never Know that it can be reality in my live, until yesterday. My Friend just coming from Wonosari (the location in center java). He invite me for dinner, he just say.. he wanna share his new recipe with me (he is chef) How can i say no? his cuisine is always delicious...

i dont care when rain fall in my town, just drive around 80km/h.... just need 20 minute from st. Tunjungan to st Kertajaya Indah. when i coming there the deliciouse smell make my stomach hungry suddenly.
" Hay lady " Ranu said to me... He pt duck roast in table for the first." you come in the right time.
" which the special you wanna gave to me ?"
"wait a second lady " Rudy come out from kitchen
i hate this.. i am not alone to eat Ranu cuisine... so, I mustshare with some people.. hehehhe just kiding..
" ok... i will be patience " i take a sit
warm rice, ok.... next tail-soup, zuppa de fungi,
"this is my special today.. taraaa......." ranu speak loud. he open the plate in front of me
"ok... the smell is very delicious but what is that?" the shape of this cuisine friendly for me but not in my plate ... i mean.. i never get them in my plate before. i will share you the picture

they are very cute right? what you think?
Honestly... i grow up in farm field .. i often play with them, but now.. i musteat them.. T_T
" they are very delicious and health... high protein" Rudy said, they are my favorite in plate during i am stay in center java.
Ok.. i trust them.. they are a good epicure.
Close myeyes and start put them in my tongue.and Chew..

Oh God its really yummy... ^_^ ...
i take more and more .. i didnt wanna to stop until i spend half of big plate..calm down have to eat roast duck too ^o^

So if you get grasshopper in your field or park.. try to find much and fry them.. Ranu told me just give them salt the would be delicious.. and become yummyhopper hehhehe

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