Organic Recipe

Technology always change become more better for every day.. perhaps in every minute. But the bad news is that is not balance with the healthy food for us. every body always had passion to get a great harvest with much way.
but around 5 years some people which love ecology ( one of them is me ^_^) try to still produced food without any chemicals. and that make you easy to find organic ingredients in your town
for healthy life i share you healthy cuisine from food magazine. wish can help all of you guys

hmmm I think my copy data from magazine is not enough to view.. but anyways.. i will still share them with you guys.. i really didnt want to be the only one healthy people in the world. ^0^
because i need a friend to get my happiness live LOL

first menu is

Mushu's Red Fried rice

1/4 vegetable oil, divided
2 eggs, beaten
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 cup diced chicken breast fillet
4 cup organic red rice
1 cup shredded beef asado (in recipe they use pork. but i dislike pork asado so i choose beef)
1/4 green peas
salt and pepper to taste
fried garlic for garnish

step to cook
in a pan heat one tablespoon of vegetable oil and cook the eggs slice set a side
in the same pan heat remaining oil and saute garlic untul fragrant.add chicken and cook until turn with in color stir i rice
add beef / pork, green peas and egg. mix well to combine
season with salt and pepper and garnish with fried garlic..

and i think i will give another detail in the next ... i am satart hungry and cant be patience to try this recipe for my breakfast.. ^_^
see you... lets try this recipe ^0^

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