find Green house in Jakarta @The3house

Last holiday, Nilla invite me to visit her in Jakarta, honestly.. i didnt like for going there, but Nilla said," Jakarta is amazing, you can find many awesome place here" she always say that... for a long time, and i am still ignore about that.
but for this time, i cannot say "No" because she craving for her gestation. She promise to me, she will show me, beautiful garden view in our lunch
seem like impossible to find beautiful garden for viewing when u enjoy your food if you stay in Jakarta. Traffic Jam, pollution, and high wall every where is very familiar there, usually people think that u didnt never found beautiful garden there. But i just find a good place, when i am visit Jakarta, unbelievable that location in jakarta, green with much leafs, woods and nice wind when i am coming there.
that is looks like escape place from metropolitan city.
they offering western, and Chinese cuisine.. but the special here is barbeque's sauce it home made (that just my opinion)for all menu there, the taste is not special but not bad too.. you can find more delicious food in another place in Jakarta, but the atmosphere like this picture below :

you just can find in Kuningan Village - Jl. Karbela Timur No. 1, Kuningan, south Jakarta,
by the way.. thanks Nilla for invite me to Jakarta and visit this place.. But sorry for you guys.. I can let you know.. about the price detail, Nilla pay all food that i ate.. heheheh
i shame to ask her.. ^_^

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