Inggil restaurant is the historic restaurant of malang City

too long I am not go around to malang city, I really miss all event malang look like find culture market in "Sunday market " which located beside malang stadium but the market start early morning and end in early 9 clock in the morning.
But i am not worry i will lose to look the real of malang now, because i just find the beautiful museum .. Ups that is not museum but that is restaurant wow... I really surprised. i think all of you will have same feeling with me when u come to this restaurant

see the interior if the banner not stand there, i never guess that is restaurant ^_^ .
the building of inggil seem is traditional javanese house..they have many unique collection which have history seem like photography when the first president Indonesia inaugurate the monument o Malang city and another photography of malang town by the time.they have collection about old radio, old money, and many more.
for the food they offering us Indonesian food especially javanese food like pepes,pecel,rawon and many more.
so, you are not just eat there you will get different atmosphere here.
for food all my friend like plencing kangkung and some of my Indonesian friend love Ayam bakar ( chicken roast ) little bit spicy but nice to try. they have traditional drink from Indonesia too, my western friend really love ice cendol. But as Indonesian people ice cendol from inggil just average.... much better in the outside.
the service here nice.. all my friend love this restaurant so much... because not just the food they has the history...of my down town LOL
the location of this restaurant is behind building of DPRD (read DE PE ER DE) of malang.
once again which made this restaurant special.. they have special performance of music Indonesia in every night, and some time they have traditional dance show there.

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