What is coffee ??? and what is benefit coffee for you ???

every body always know about coffee ? me too.. i really love to drink them in my morning time, sometimes I drink them with read newspaper and novel. How about you?
i have been read from some article which i must be share with you :

1. coffee contains chlorogenic acid which could help prevent Resistance of insulin. that is the meaning that coffee can help reduce the risk of diabetes.
2. The caffeine from coffee can spur our skin to kill cancerous cells, and can stop the growth of tumor.
3. if you drink coffee 4 cups in every day you will get good news because it can help you minimalist risk of breast cancer. the nutrition journal published that coffee have phytoestrogen and flavonoid which can stop tumor's cell
4. the caffeine from coffee can hamper inflammation of brain. so, you have little risk to have Alzheimer,
5. coffee can protect your teeth, caffeine in coffee have ability as antibacterial which is the main cause tooth decay
6. two cups of coffee everyday can help our bile healthy, because coffee can reduce crystallization cholesterol in our bile.

So, i think you in right choice if you love coffee ^_^

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