World women's Days

this day is 8 march which call as World Women's days.
In indonesia we have two women's days first it come in 21 April which call Kartini's days ( Kartini is hero of women in Indonesia) and 22 Desember which call mother day. very rare people here know about women's day.
The history of woman's days is started in 1909 in America at 28 February, but its not longer, in 1913 the celebration of women's days is over.

But in another side of the world the women's days is still be apart of International conference from International socialist in Copenhagen, Denmark which finally agreed for have women's days for appreciate for the important role of women in the success and welfare world. without woman, nothing child, without good woman noting good child, and that same meaning with nothing good people and noting good president. and finally noting peace. So thank you woman for come to the world.
born us, keep us, and teach us how to face this live.
And The bigest thank you... to God which create woman
For this world

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