Oh La La Cafe in Plaza Indonesia

Oh la la... !!! that is my sound when i found "Oh la la cafe" in plaza Indonesia Jakarta the theme of this cafe different which another cafe in around, they bring theme about "experience the street of paris.. chairs and table with renaissance Style and the beautiful classical street lamp they choose for give us the prefect taste as real street of Paris. Ok.. whatever the beautiful of design of cafe, the final point is still in their food. Hungry... is the main reason for me... to find this location. every body knew the traffic jam in Jakarta often.. seem like would kill you with their Long long duration. So, when i saw the menu i choose

Croque Norvégien
(Classic French toast bread with sliced salmon gravlax and Swiss cheese covered with Morney sauce)
that is nice, basically it seem like sandwich which covered with different bread (French bread). 

i order Symphonie Nicoise Salad too
(Grilled fresh tuna and mixed green salad toasted vinaigrette dressing)
that is my favorite menu here,
i love the grilled tunawhich all of their mix... lovely.

For close my culinary trip in Oh la La cafe
i choose Strawberry cheese cake that is name of the drink... ^_^  
maybe i am not going yet to Paris.
but here i feel seem like,
i am one of the actress in
EAT PRAY and LOVe film, Lol.

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