Recipe of the week

i love coffee when i am work, they are very nice friend when i must be work overtime,
but for afternoon hot summer, i choose tiramisu in my list friend of food. here is the easy to make tiramisu which i called :

                                                       STEAMED TIRAMISU

- 4 eggs
- 100 grams sugar
- 1 teaspoon emulsifier (a substance specifically to stabilize the cake ingredients)
- 100 gr flour
- 100 ml vegetable oil
- 1 tablespoon instant coffee + 5 tablespoons hot water
- 2 tbsp rhum (additional)
- Taste of chocolate granules, for sprinkling

How to make:
A. Heat the first steamer.
2. Grease a 22x22 cm baking pan with butter, Cover paper, spread with butter again.
3. Beat eggs, sugar and emulsifier until thick. Then enter the rhum.
and flour, stirring.
4. Pour the oil, stir again.
5. Divide the dough into 2 parts. One bag. white and one bag. Other coffee mixed with water.
6. Steamed white first section until completely cooked about 10 minutes.
Sprinkle with granulated chocolate, then pour the coffee mixture, steamed until cooked again.

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