Ultimo Restaurant in Seminyak

Talk about italian food in Bali, you must visit Ultimo which located in jalan Oberoi (Laskmana), Seminyak, Bali.
They have good place for your relax time, breakfast, lunch, dinner, every time. they have lounge and out door place. I come to Ultimo in the Night with Nora @ friday, we just bored stay long time in the house without do anything, we just want to enjoy Italian music for different atmosphere.
we arrive around 7 pm, and the Ultimo Restaurant is full, lucky i got chair in out door but we must be share with two Australian guy. they told me that we should be do the reservation for get a good place as i want. ok.... but dont have any plan to coming here, but i will do this later if the cuisine here can addict me LOL. i am not really remember what the name of menu that i was order, i had sirloin steak which served on risotto, hmmm... the seasoning is yummy and work good to the thick meat. another food we choose is pizza, yeah.... the dough of the pizza is very fine, serve with delicious tomato sauce...
For desert we order Tiramisu and for drink we just order juice. our Lucky complete with italian music performance by home band. overall for me Ultimo restaurant is nice, not just about atmosphere, and cuisine, but the important is... they cheap.. sssst, lol
we just spend around IDR 300.000... that is cheap for bali standard.

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