My Candy trip in Papabuble

Candy is the favorite menu... since i am child. So, I am so glade when i hear that Papabuble caramel artesans opening in Indonesia. the brand of candies from barcelona show us the art behind the candies production. they gave us open kitchen, and let we see direct how they make their unique candies.
that start from the hot sugar.... and then pull... and many variant action.. finnally the delicious and beautiful candies born... LOL
 i really want to take the picture, but i cannot do that, cause the condition is very crowded that time, so, i cannot see clearly about the process, maybe next ... I wish..
but i  tell you, that that is need a really high skill to make hot sugar to be candies... i wanna learn too if i had a chance. ^_^
in barcelona, Papabuble open their outlet since 15 years ago and
then they open too in around 10  country : New york,amsterdam, tokyo (shibuya and nakano), seoul, taipei, hongkong, lisboa, etc.
and still import their product to England, Paris and Jerman.
then... i walk around to the outlet ... i saw much jar which fill many kind of candies, and much of beautifull lolypop.
hmmmm....Papabuble not just give us candy as the favorite food for child , but they have many creation shape which made all the people will falling in love with their candies.
thanks Mr.Ivan and Mrs. Astrid hadywibowo for help us can enjoy the new experience about candies, with
buy francise of Papabuble    


2 komentar

  1. Haiii... Thanks for writing about Papabubble. You're so sweet! Come by to Papabubble and we shall give you a free bag of candies ya to show our appreciation. :) Just say you're Lady Lidah. -Astrid Papabubble

  2. wow Thank you so much about that, I am stay in Bali, fo do some trip too. if you don't mind, can u just send them to my address in Bali.
    i really miss your candies... ^_^
    of course i will visit papabuble again when I am visit jakarta.
