Find new Art with Kopi Seniman Studio

Ubud is always attract my attention. its not just about the nature which remind me in my home town, they always have new art with original idea.
This morning i found the place that really tease me for spend my morning time there. The name is Seniman coffee Studio. the coffee shop in hideaways place from center art of Ubud.

My first special impression is not about their food, but how the way to serve food, some of their menu  using recycle jar become nice glass ware to serve it in long wooden tray.  that gave me unique experience. ^_^
I ordered menu like mostly Indonesians take as a breakfast, black Coffee and jajan ( traditional cake from Indonesia).  My friend order juice and some Jajan also. The taste of coffee is good, not the best one. But, for the traditional cake that is the best one that i ever eat in Bali, u must try that for know more about Indonesian cake.
Coffee seniman studio have a good interior which make you feel comfortable for enjoy your time there, they have wifi for support your activity and of course smoking area (out door) and not smoking area (in door). Me and my friend enjoy our time until some guests which sit in smoking area start smoking. their smoke come to my area (not smoking area) that make us realized that no smoking and smoking area connection with window..... hmmmmmmmm that is not good. I closed the window  by my self and after that is fine.
 For come to  indoor area the will ask you for take off your shoes or flip flop, for me that is ok but some guests seem don't really like that. I think they do that for keep the place clean. ^_^

Coffee seniman studio not just sell coffee and food. like their name that they are Seniman (artist) studio they sell some things that i call artist creation.
For coffee they sell their own specialty roasted beans in a paper bag package. u can ask them for serve it with many style of coffee machine that they have (if u want to drink there also) Syphon, Pour Over drip (Japanese and Taiwanese style), Aeropress, Cafetiere.
For souvenir, they have T-shirt, glassware, coffee equipment, furniture and jewellery.

For special event they have Tasting Workshops held at the Studio twice a week. An introduction to coffee, tasting, roasting and brewing demonstration. Interactive 2.5 hour program

the staff there is very nice and helpful. this place really match with you which want to enjoy your food in the nice place, clean, hideaway, unique interior and stuff.
for price ... the charge around  Rp. 20.000 - Rp. 60.000.

Seniman Kopi Studio ( Seniman coffee Studio)
jalan sriwedari Ubud 80571
Open 08:00 - 19:00

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