The Following Dangerous Eating Healthy Foods

Some healthy foods that we found in our day are not healthy as much as we think. In fact they are contain with ingredients which is dangerous.
For few sample :

Diet Drink = > All we think consume diet drink is always healthy enough but in fact most of diet drink contains high sugar event they less contain of calories. Better we drink enough mineral water or your homemade infused water. As well as being healthy they also save your money.

Sushi = > The food which is original from japan (Sushi) already famous as the healthy food. Less contain of calories and high contain of fish nutrition was give healthy to our body. But we must carefully with the mayonnaise and cream cheese that often we add to eat them, they are contain high calories.

Cold Pressed Juice => This product is help us to done the job for get juice without mess our kitchen or bar. But we don't know are they contains with food preservative and sugars. Make sure we always check the ingredients in their package before we purchased them. Best choice make the fresh juice by our self, and tidying up the kitchen from mess that we made we can add it as daily sport ;p

Granola => Is one of the most favorite snack in this era.Because the wheat and nuts which is contain in granola was make them healthy and have delicious taste. But, be careful with granola which made by factory, they are mostly had more oil ( the factory use it for make crunchy granola) and sugar for better taste.
Salad = > Green vegetables, and colorful fruit which are always we see in salad, make us believe that salad always healthy food. In fact, if you add wrong dressing on your salad the result will same with us consume Burger. So, be careful for choose dressing for our salad, I prefer olive oil in my salad. it will increase the taste and also be more healthy.

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