What is The Foods That We Need For Solve PMS ( Premenstual Syndrome) Problems ?

Experience physical symptoms related to normal ovulation happen to 85% of woman childbearing age which called PMS or premenstrual syndrome. PMS in every woman is different but mostly happen between 10 days before menstrual period and will be end last day before or the day of mentrual period.
PMS can be feeling so bad and destroy our daily activity, and we cannot avoid PMS for not come. The only one that we need to know is, How to make PMS become comfortable with us to do our activity?
For answer that question we must know why we got PMS ?
The case of PMS not clear until that day, but some factors that may involved such as changing hormones and the brain had some chemical changed which will bring woman to stress and depress condition or maybe worst. So, For minimize the PMS to us we need to prepare our body in fit condition.
The changing hormone and chemical in our brain it will easy for our body to manage it if we have enough mineral, vitamins, and magnesium for our body.  Later research found that combination of Vitamin B6and Magnesium can cut pre-period level until 50% and consuming Vitamin D and 1200mg of calcium a day also.

Here is some food which contain magnesium :

- 50g  Almond  ( contain 135mg)
- 200g Tofu which (contain 222mg Of Magnesium)
- 100g Brown rice ( contain 88mg)

Or you can have
1 glass low fat milk + one table spoon tahini+ 200g lowfat yoghurt + 100gr tinned sardines = 1200mg Calcium

For Delicious recipe please check Recipe Of The Week

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