How To Avoid Jet lag In Your Holiday ?

Holiday was come, arrange plan for spend with family or start with some adventure or travel to another country. If you love do some travel, jet lag is something that we worry. more than about the horrible conditions but also it can destroy our plan to see another page of this world. But in this article I will share some tips about how to avoid jet lag :

  1. Try to adjust our activity with the new time zone of place that we will visit at least 4 days before. It make our body easier to adaptation when we are there. 
  2. Don't drink coffee or alcohol during the travel it will make us difficult to get sleep when we arrive.  The main thing which make us got jet lag is dehydration in our body. So, we must keep our body hydrate by keep consume mineral water at least 2 litters in 24 hours. 
  3. Eat snacks not heavy food during your flight. Mostly the heavy food will increase the glucose inside your body which will make you feel tired when you arrive.
  4. Sleep during your flight, it is help you to optimize the function of our organ which we really needed to keep our stamina when we arrive. 
  5. When we arrive get snack which rich with protein(milk, nuts and etc) and food that can stimulate melatonin (Almond, Cherry and Walnuts) = > Melatonin is the hormone which help us to arrange natural alarm in our body. 
  6. Avoid for straight go to the bed when we just arrive, do some exercise first like walk around or little jogging. Try to get fresh air and sunlight for a while, that is really help to avoid jet lag.

Hopefully these tips useful for you. Happy Holiday

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