Menu Of the week

Yesterday I was sick. I am not do some trip :(
really not comfortable when the doctor say that you must be bed rest. That happen with me. but I need eat too.. so.. i cook simple cisiine
stuffed Crab

3-4 lbs Fresh Crabs
2 onions, finely minced
8 garlic cloves, finely minced
4 eggs
1lb ground chicken
salt and ground black pepper
oil for frying

steam the crabs, remove thesells and flakethe meat.
do not remove the claws and legs
in a mixing bowl, combine the crabmeat. onion. garlic. chicken. 1 egg. salt and pepper. return the mixture to the shells
beat the other eggs and dip the crab shells in to beaten egg.fry in samll amount of oil until golden brown.

finish.. ^_^

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