Mykonos restaurant

Few meters from seminyak square I found restaurant which offering greek food, the name of restaurant is "Mykonos". The design restaurant quite attractive with the sky blue color for their signature design, that is remind us that we are in Bali for the beaches. they have outdoor area and semi outdoor area with a view of  oberoi street in seminyak, still nice to see the traffic there which always busy with many vehicle and people walking in side walk. The question is what is the best offer from Greek menu to support the beach hunter?

I take semi outdoor table which near to the window,  and few second later the waiters come and give me the menu book. Some the name of the food ,I don't really understand, so I spend few times for reading the descriptions. I will love if they can help me with offer what their special menu and explain me little bit what is the food .. so that I can order quicker and don't have to be hungry so long hmmmm... 
So, here is my order : 
Lamb Cop, that my choice because I see in the sentence " the best lamb cop in Bali" in the waiter uniform, smart step for attract people. They will don't care about what kind restaurant you are they will decide come because they want the best lamb cop in Bali, I love that one.  The next is Mouzzaka, Baklava, Fried Zucchini, Fried Calamari, and the other one is Mediterranean meze platter. And for drink I love just choose cold soft drink. I just want to enjoy the day. 
Just few minutes the first menu that I order come to my table, Lamb cop... I love the smell of the lamb cop that is attract me to get hungry again. I let the food in the table for a while for waiting my friend which just cross the road to come and join me. The other menu come again, each menu that I order come around 5 minutes between, faster compare with most restaurants in Bali.
The serving of lamb cop menu is consist of three lamb cop with baked potato. and all the lamb cop is soft so is easy if you want to eat them,
All my friend said the Mouzzaka is their favorite one, they stop the cooking in the right time, all the ingredient each really support each other which will make you feel balance when you eat them. I love the way they cook the eggplant, delicious.
But unfortunately I think the fried zucchini that they serve is little bit overcook,  that is not give the effect to the taste, still delicious but will be great if they can serve them with the gold color like the fried Calamari not brown.
My favorite one is Mediterranean Meze platter. one word, Lovely. I love the three sauce that they give, I love the goat cheese (they choose the nice one), and they cook dolma very well.
Their baklava is fresh, I will order it again if I pass this restaurant in the hot weather. you will not regret it.
We close our lunch with Soft drink... Lovely day.
Overall Mykonos restaurant is worth to visit. The atmosphere of their interior quite attractive. and they have delicious food for you.
For price? depend about your standard Bali is not cheap, especially in seminyak. But for me Mykonos I think the price is worth it.

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