Make your skin Glowing With These Natural Drink

Look younger is the dream all of people in this world.  Million way offered in mass advertising, chemical, technology and etc, which are make us pay expensive for look younger. But, principle look younger is simple, stay healthy and always got the right nutritions for our body and all of that can supply by nature and cheap. Have glowing skin is one of important thing to make you look younger.
These natural drink that you need to have in your day for keep your skin keep glowing, no matter about how old you are :

1. Carrot Juice
Carrot is contain high Vitamin A which call Beta carotene, this kind vitamin A have the function for decrease regenerations in our body including our skin. Drink carrot juice everyday more than help us for stay hydrate, it also help us for have enough beta carotene supplies in our body, encourage collagen (for keep our skin elastic), and electrolyte balance in our body. We can use carrot for masker also for reduce acne, black spot and scars in our skin.

2. Lemon Juice
is not secret anymore how much Vitamin C which contain in lemon. the combinations of Vitamin C, vitamin B and citric acid have the power to purify and cleanse the kidney from toxic. The less toxicin our body the more we look younger and glowing skin.

3. Ginger Juice
For thousands years ginger believed to help to keep our immune system stronger, but actually more than that.  The Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, and Vitamin B6 which have the function for anti inflammation. Add ginger in your daily juices consume Ginger tea in your day will really help to make your aging process slower and keep your glowing skin last longer than the age.

4. Beet Juice
Copper, Vitamin C, niacin, potassium and Iron which contain in beet can help us more than as anti inflammations but also flushing away toxic inside our body by increase mnganese, folic acid, zinc, calcium and Magnesium. It can help for cure our skin conditions as well.

5. Apple Juice
High antioxidant in apple absolutely really help for keep younger. the anti oxidant and vitamin A which contain in Apple can erase wrinkles and dark circle. for keep our skin glowing Apple juice  is really good choice.

6. Grape Juice
Same like Apple the contain antioxidant in grape is quite high which will help you to make the aging process slower and erase some skin problem like wrinkles  and acne. Drink grape juice regularly will keep your skin glowing and look younger.

Skip the chemical and high technology for help you look younger and back to natural way. more than about cheap the natural always save for your healthy and beauty.

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